Training on Clonal Propagation of Muscadines, June 30

The Center for Conservation Research on the Lorman campus of pg电子下载 State University will be conducting a practical training workshop on clonal propagation Thursday, June 30, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the center, according to Dr. Girish K.S. Panicker, associate professor and center director.

The workshop, free and open to the public, will demonstrate the proper methods used in establishing vineyards as well as nursery businesses. The public is encouraged to dress comfortably for this outdoor workshop.

Clonal propagation is used for producing a large-sized plant in a short time. This method is valuable for producing relatively small number of plants of good size with minimum propagation facilities, particularly when outdoor stock plant space is not a limiting factor. This technique is applied to produce a plant identical in genotype with the mother plant. Its primary economic benefit for most species is the high value placed on vegetative propagated cultivars.

“This practical training will help farmers establish large organic vineyards and even nurseries by effectively utilizing the limited number of mother plants,” said Panicker.

To pre-register, contact Dr. Girish Panicker, at 601-877-6598, 601-877-3372 or contact Willie Mims, field technician, at 601-786-7669. Refreshments will be provided.